This regimen is given during 48 hours prior to an event by mixing the dose with other treatments or water and syringing over the tongue.
This tonic is used, as the name suggests, and is administered to a dog that reacts to a particular event or episode but is generally well behaved in normal situations.
My first approach is always to try to resolve the problem with the Nervous System Rehabilitation Tonic and only go to the Episode Tonic when the former is not enough for competition day.
The mix consists of a concentrated extract of Zisyphus Spinoso along with the Bach Flowers Aspen, Cerrato, Cherry Plum, Mimulus, Larch, Rock Rose and Rescue Remedy.
The treatment is administered 48 hours prior to the particular circumstance e.g. showground, enclosed arena, barrier or racetrack etc, and then reduced to 24 hours prior and then to the day of the event, as we get improvements.
Unlike synthetic drugs, this mix does not swab at the recommended dose and will not act as a sedative, rather it will enhance performance and focus concentration.